Televisual Cover Images (Left to Right) - Autumn2022, Winter 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023

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THE OFFER - You receive the WINTER issue in early December including the Facilities 50 survey (who’s who in post), Drama Special and in the WINTER issue. In addition you receive the Televisual Bulldog Awards nominations supplement which invites you to vote for the best on the box (and possibly win prizes) and the post-awards Inspiration Behind Great Television supplement.

* PEACE OF MIND - Televisual only uses your date to send you the magazine and / or Televisual newsletters. No credit card details required and no third-party data mining.

AND GREEN TOO - Televisual only prints with paper from FSC managed forests and vegetable inks and is sent out wrapped in paper. No laminates or oil-based materials are used.

Please read on or just pop down to the bottom of this form where with a simple form, you can register to receive Televisual as a complimentary subscriber. I am confident you will find it an informative and sometimes inspirational read.

The Facilities 50, top post houses, survey from Winter 2022 and the Production 100, top UK Indies, from Autumn 2022


Televisual is a quarterly magazine that charts and explores the business, creative and operational developments within the UK television and film production sector. There is still no better media than print for long form written content and analysis. Televisual offers a rich digest of all the latest trends and thinking and over the year provides a comprehensive view of an industry going through profound accelerated change through the voices of hundreds of the industry’s leading practitioners.

An exploration of how factual television creativity is evolving in a non-linear age and an interview with BAFTA-winning director Olly Lambert and editor Tom Dixon-Spain about the authorship behind the BBC’s Ukraine: The People’s Fight (that TX’s on the 4th January), both from Winter 2022


I’m confident you will find much of interest within Televisual, from our Genre Reports (covering drama, factual, entertainment and live production) to the latest case studies and interviews with leading creative and operational talent, from features about the latest workflows and technology developments through to our headline benchmark surveys like the Production 100 (top Indies) and Facilities 50 (top post houses). Our agenda is always to look at what’s new, what’s changed, to shine a light on the latest work and topical issues, while always championing the UK production community.

With good reason, Televisual has often been described as the voice of the UK production community.

Your registration includes receiving the magazine and the Televisual daily newsletter. (The latter requires you to opt in and if you find its not for you, you can unsubscribe with a single click at any time.)

The Televisual Factual Genre Report ran in the Autumn issue and the Drama Genre Report in the Winter issue


The UK production sector continues to go through a period of unparalleled, ever-accelerating change. Unparalleled, accelerated change? Dramatic words but difficult to contest. Almost every aspect of UK production is changing, driven by changed consumer viewing habits (from linear to on-demand), changed funding models (from retained IP to production fee and whisper it, representation), changed creative imperatives (delivering for a global audience), changed production requirements (from the increased use of VFX, HD, stereo to 4K HDR with Atmos HE), changed production protocols (from on premises to remote and virtualised workflows, whether private or public cloud), the increasing use of machine automation and learning (and generative AI) and with so much more change still to come within what is a fragile economic context.

Televisual is the only magazine that comprehensively covers this evolving market from a production perspective. Televisual’s editorial emphasis is always focused on change. This focus on business, creative and technology change is apparent in every survey, report and feature we publish.

Reporting on and benchmarking change through the voices of the sector’s leading management, producers, directors and operational talent is the very fabric of the magazine and what sets us apart. Televisual is the singular place to keep abreast of these changes and charts the business and technical revolution as it unfolds.

Televisual looks to articulate what this brave new world looks like now and how it might develop over the coming years with a helicopter view of the industry landscape, separating the wood from the trees.

An exploration in to how set design has evolved in the age of virtual production from Autumn and our Film Stages Report that publishes in Spring


The lifeblood of the Televisual community is creativity and Televisual reports on creativity from the perspective of executive producers, showrunners and directors to cinematographers, sound designers and set designers to editors, colourists and mixers.

Every Quarter, Televisual includes a detailed Genre Report exploring commissioning and production trends covering drama, factual, entertainment and live production over the year. The Genre Reports always ask what’s changed and what’s new? Additional reports cover specific production disciplines from fixed rig shows to new factual formats and every issue includes the latest standout shows

Televisual always opens with up to 20pages charting the latest in post, VFX and animation creativity and every issue explores specific craft skills within features and reports.

Televisual shines a light and celebrates creativity within drama, factual, film, commercials, entertainment, comedy and live production. There is no other UK industry magazine that compares.

Televisual’s coverage ranges from benchmark surveys and reports to more intimate interviews with creative talent and their approach to their craft


Your data will only be held locally on my business (now at home) encrypted server that only I have access to and is securely sent to a mailing house where both parties subscribe to (government) ICO protocols. We have never and will not sell or otherwise pass on any of your physical or digital data to third parties (including ad servers) and your personal information will only be employed by Televisual. You can automatically unsubscribe from any Televisual communications whenever you want.

If you would like to receive Televisual at Home or at Work, simply fill in the form below and ‘submit’.

The Fixed Rig feature as ran in the Autumn 2022 issue and the Future of Audio Post as ran in the Winter 2023 issue


Televisual has recently switched from using compostable (potato starch) poly wrap to paper wrap to mail while using paper stock from sustainable forests and even printing with environmentally friendly vegetable ink. Our printers also offset all of their carbon emissions and with our use of paper from managed forests the magazine, we endeavour to be as carbon neutral as possible and have been doing so for the last half decade

Please note I am only able to send the magazine free to readers within the UK.

Yours faithfully


James Bennett

MD, Televisual Media UK

We are always stronger together